4 Key Differences Attaching Your Dentures to Dental Implants Makes

May 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_thomas @ 3:13 pm
older woman biting into an apple

As a savvy consumer, you are used to weighing your options and selecting the one that will best meet your needs. When it comes to replacing your missing teeth, you may wonder whether attaching your dentures to dental implants really matters. What difference does it make? Plenty! Continue reading to learn four important differences implants can have on your restored smile.

Difference #1: Stability

Right at first, new dentures can fit snugly on your upper and lower arches, but you may still find your dentures slipping. Especially after a while, the suction holding your prosthetic teeth in place decreases, allowing them to move more easily. As a result, you may feel more self-conscious about talking or eating in front of others, fearing that your replacement teeth may draw unwanted attention to themselves.

In contrast, implant-retained dentures are embedded in the jawbone. In other words, they aren’t going anywhere! They remain perfectly secure even years after placement. So, when you talk, bite, chew, laugh, or smile, you don’t have to worry about slippage.

Difference #2: Biting Strength

Did you know that traditional dentures only give you back about 25 percent of your original biting force? Even with brand-new dentures, you may not be able to enjoy a juicy steak, a crisp apple, carrots, or other foods because your bite feels uncomfortable.

If, however, you replace your missing teeth with implant dentures, you can have about 75 percent of your biting force restored. With this power, you can eat essentially any food you want.

Difference #3: Facial Shape

You’ve probably seen older people with a sunken look on their faces. Believe it or not, this feature doesn’t automatically result from age, but from tooth loss. As the jawbone deteriorates, facial shape shrinks as well. Unfortunately, dentures do little to stop this process. The dentures can fill in the space between the upper and lower arches, but the jawbone will continue to diminish over time.

Implants keep the jawbone stimulated and nutrients coming to the area. As a result, the face can retain its shape. Stronger jawbone, more youthful appearance!

Difference #4: Longevity

Even with utmost care, most normal dentures must be replaced about every five years—again, because the jawbone slowly decreases in density. After that time, they don’t fit properly anymore.

Contrast that with dentures are attached to implants: these restored teeth can last for 20 or more years! In fact, implant dentures can continue functioning for the rest of a patient’s lifetime without needing replacement.

In the end, if you’re deciding between normal dentures and those attached to dental implants, understanding the key differences will help you make a smart choice.

About the Practice

At Dental Group West in Toledo, OH, Dr. Richard Thomas, Dr. Tracy Poole, and Dr. Robert Weisenburger lead a team of experienced and caring professionals. With their diverse backgrounds, they can help those who want to replace their missing teeth with realistic, comfortable restorations. If you would like to see if you are a good candidate for implants dentures, you can contact our team online or call the office at 419-539-2168.

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