A Peaceful Dental Procedure with Your Sedation Dentist in Toledo

December 15, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_thomas @ 12:16 am

woman receiving nitrous oxide treatmentFor many Americans, the thought of visiting the dentist for any form of care causes anxiety or phobia. Unfortunately, it blocks many of them from receiving the dental care they need. With sedation dentistry, though, they are able to receive treatment without having to endure an uncomfortable visit. Your sedation dentist in Toledo explains the different ways available to calm frayed nerves. Additionally, you’ll learn what to expect from each form of sedation dentistry.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry uses various modalities to overcome feelings of anxiety or fear in patients. Each has a different effect, though. Thus, it’s best to know what to expect so you can plan accordingly.

Nitrous Oxide

For milder cases of anxiety, your dentist offers nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas). It is applied via a mask that is worn throughout the treatment process, and your dentist can adjust the medication as needed.

One of the perks of this form of sedation is that the effects usually wear-off soon after the medication has been discontinued. Still, you may notice the following side effects:

  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Shivering
  • Dizziness
  • Excessive sweating

Keep in mind, though, the above possible side effects are just short term. Typically, patients are able to operate a vehicle within 15 minutes after treatment has stopped.

Oral Sedation

For more acute cases of anxiety or phobia, your dentist may suggest oral sedation. Usually delivered in pill form, you may be instructed to take it as early as the night before your appointment or as late as an hour prior – all depending on your level of anxiety.

The result is calm and relaxed dental experience. However, operating a vehicle or any other type of heavy machinery after your appointment is strongly ill-advised. Thus, you’ll need to have a driver available to transport you for the rest of the day.

Here are some of the other possible side affects you should prepare for:

  • Dry mouth
  • Post-operative soreness
  • Extended drowsiness

IV Sedation

The fastest-acting sedative provided by your dentist is IV sedation. As the name suggests, the medication is delivered via IV (intravenous) injection, which means the effects are nearly instantaneous.

Similar to nitrous oxide, the medication can be adjusted by your dentist to ensure you have the most comfort possible. After the sedative is stopped, your dentist suggests that you have someone present to drive and monitor you for the rest of the day.

Additionally, you should refrain from doing any strenuous activities or operating any heavy machinery for the remainder of the day.

With sedation in Toledo provided by a trained professional, you can experience the benefits of maintaining your dental health through visiting your local dentist.

About the Author

Dr. Richard Thomas earned his dental degree from Case Western Reserve University. He has since gone on to receive advanced training from Ohio State University and the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies. Dr. Thomas helps patients enjoy worry-free treatment with sedation dentistry at Dental Group West, and he can be reached for more information through his website.


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